Wilder Quest

Price: Free
Category: Science
Grade(s): 1-5
Devices: iPad, iPhone, iPod touch
Grades 1-5: Life Sciences

App Description:
The app beings with an option to explore a habitat.  The following screen is displayed like a camera screen where the goal for the user is to move the device to different angles in order to locate creatures hidden in the habitat.  When you find a creature, the lines framing the creature will turn red and the user should click the camera picture to take a photograph of the creature.  The user will need to find two more creatures of the same species in order to be provided with information about the creature. The following screen will list the animals name, provide a variety of pictures of the creature and its food, sometimes it will provide a video with information about the creature, as well as information about the creature's characteristics, attributes, habitat and diet. After you have read the information provided about your animal, you will be sent back to the Search Screen and search for three examples of a new creature.

Home Screen:

Search/Play Mode

When you have found three creatures 

When you have found an additional creature

Information about the creature you have found.
Ability to click on the picture icons at the top right corner.
Sometimes a video is provided in the right column. 

Uses in the Classroom:
This app could be used as an activity during science stations in class.  Students can learn more about various animals, their diet, and their habitats.  This app could be successfully integrated into science stations.  Teachers could make an extension of this assignment by having students work in groups to report their findings on a particular animal found in the game.

Possible Assessments:
The app does not provide an assessment tool, however teachers can use the information on this app to create an assessment students understanding of the animals introduced in the game. 

Possible Issues/ Difficulties when using these apps with students:
Teacher will need to be sure that students are using this game toward academic goals.  In order to ensure this, it would be beneficial for teachers to require students to answer various questions about at least two animals in the game.  Thereby ensuring that students are working toward a goal and are able to have fun while also learning.

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